Friday, 13 November 2009

Movie Scripts vs. Books

More often I tend to think that movie scripts win the battle against books. Today, the speed of the life we’re living is far higher than was our grand-parents or grand-grand parents. Those who find more than two hours a day for themselves are plain lucky.

Nowdays, movies scripts are available to read online and some in electronic format (can buy it on Amazon). For those who don’t know what a movie script is here’s a definition: a screenplay or script is a written work especially for a film or television program. Meaning that a script tells you what happens in a movie scene by scene.

In our minds, words are represented by images. If I say “horse”, the image of a horse pops up in our minds, with shape, color and sizes left to the imagination of each of us. That’s why a book is always gonna be greater than a movie. Because, as we read it, we imagine everything the words on paper indicate us while a movie shows us the images that somebody else’s imagination created for us. But books are long and someone who tries to make the best of his free hour-a-day can very easily be disappointed (think about The Lord of the Rings or The Godfather, it takes a while until excitement happens).

This is where the movie script steps up. Even though the language can sometimes be a little technical, it is easy to learn and once you know it, it will work for you. Besides that, a script does exactly what a book does. Each scene contains a short and concise description of the setting where the action takes place and the dialogue. And lets the reader imagine the rest. Skillful script-writers know how to make the description (of the setting or the action) easy and often delightful to read, making the script what professionals call “a page-turner”. Also you’re never discouraged by the size of a movie-script as it is a standard 90 to 120 pages which can be easily read in about an hour or so. So scene by scene, a movie script spurs the imagination of the reader, just like a book does, the difference being that the climax moments come quicker than in books and time is essential in our everyday lives.

Of course, I’m talking about reading a script before seeing the movie, because most of the times, the movie sets your mind to the approach that the director had for the movie (can you think of anyone else playing Don Corleone or Aragorn or Gandalf? Even if there is someone better than Peter Jackson’s choice of actors out there, reading the book or script will have these actors images in mind). It’s scientifically proved that the mind tends to follow a precedent if it is aware of it. But if you read it before seeing a movie, your mind is free to decide how everything looks and sometimes you won’t even want to see the movie since it will ruin the nice little picture in your head that you created.

The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences noticed that and has a special category for Original Writing since 1927. Pick a winner from their list and find the script online, read it, and see how your mind pictures the movie before seeing it. It’s the same process as reading a book, the mind does the same thing, only that things happen faster as you go through it.

I don’t think movie-scripts are a substituent for books, but in time I believe it’ll be a great alternative.

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